During the initial exam a full health history will be taken. Questions will be asked regarding symptoms, health and lifestyle. Your acupuncturist also may check pulses and your tongue and may conduct a physical exam. This information is then organized to create a complete, accurate and comprehensive diagnosis of where energy has become blocked or imbalanced within the body. After the interview process, you may receive an acupuncture treatment. Visits with your acupuncturist may last from thirty to ninety minutes.
- @Crawford Chiropractic21539 Rt 66
Clarion, PA 16214814-227-7665 - @Cranberry Wellness Center6945 US 322; Cranberry Mall Unit 587
Cranberry, PA 16319814-227-7665 - @Vitality Natural Health and Wellness Center - Meadville900 Water St (Downtown Mall)
Meadville, PA 16335814-720-4825 - @Vitality Natural Health and Wellness Center - Grove City209 S. Broad St.
Grove City, PA 16127724-458-5522 - Call for a Free 15-minute Consultation!