The basic theory says that Qi (chee) or “energy force” moves through the body in pathways called meridians. Any blockage of these pathways will cause problems (like a beaver building a dam in the river will cause problems). The goal of acupuncture is to clear any blockages and allow the pathways to flow free and full of Qi.
- @Crawford Chiropractic21539 Rt 66
Clarion, PA 16214814-227-7665 - @Cranberry Wellness Center6945 US 322; Cranberry Mall Unit 587
Cranberry, PA 16319814-227-7665 - @Vitality Natural Health and Wellness Center - Meadville900 Water St (Downtown Mall)
Meadville, PA 16335814-720-4825 - @Vitality Natural Health and Wellness Center - Grove City209 S. Broad St.
Grove City, PA 16127724-458-5522 - Call for a Free 15-minute Consultation!